My name is Ebony, I was cancelled on LinkedIn in December 2020 for questioning the MSM narrative and raising my concerns over digital I.Ds. At the time I had thirty thousand LinkedIn connections and a rather engaged professional audience and I guess the powers that be didn’t like this.
I set up the Freedom Business Community in response to the unreasonable censorship, discrimination, and segregation I could see unfolding in our country (and around the world). My intention is to unite businesses who also feel the measures and discrimination are unjust and only help to further divide society.
I am highly principled and want the very best for us all. The thought of my 2 children having to grow up in a world that is controlled via an app scares the hell out of me. My children and ensuring a happy and positive future for all young people is my driving force.
I have self-funded the build of this website and all marketing materials and I see this as my contribution towards our united fight for FREEDOM. Several of my LinkedIn connections found me on Telegram and we continue to work together to share important information that just isn’t being shown on mainstream media. Feel free to also follow us there.
Instagram: @freedombusinesscommunity